Tuesday, July 30, 2013

"Amazing Ale Alemantacion Y Fisica" Take a Look At Her Now.... "Wow"!!!!

She is Amazing....

She is Confident....

She is Classy.....
A True Beauty...
Possessing Personality...

With a Girl Next Door Look.... 
She Has Style....
She Has Grace....

And Such A Pretty Face.....
It has been an awesome experience working with such a wonderful young lady. I will keep adding to this page so stay tuned and look for my updates... Obviously the pictures are truly breathtaking, and Ale is a natural, she has worked hard and taken advice and used it like the "Pro" she has become.
Ale I enjoy every moment I spend with you. Thanks for letting me adopt you and call you daughter. Your friendship means more than you will ever know.
 "Only the best do their best always and you are one of the best!" With Love and Affection I will continue to do my best for you and others.
Again thanks for the opportunity to continue to make dreams come true! You truly have helped as I miss my family while 3,000 miles from Graceland...............





  1. Great photos! She should be an inspiration to all those other young folks out there who are wired in to their play stations and Facebook!!

  2. Wow! This is truly an inspiration!! I can see all the love and hardwork you put in this girl and it has blossomed in wonderful ways through discipline!! Congratulations!!
